In 1864 eight thousand Navajo men,
women and children were marched at gunpoint to a barren reservation
along the Texas border. This forced relocation was aimed at crushing
American Indian resistance in the Southwest. Hundreds of Navajo died
during the march and the four years of forced isolation. The Navajo
remember this tragedy as “The Long Walk."
"The Long Walk: Tears of the Navajo,"
a KUED documentary by award-winning producer John Howe tells one
of the most important stories of the American West. It's a story of
heartbreak and triumph against enormous adversity. The
film focuses on the U.S. military's campaign against the Navajo in the
early 1860s, the events leading to it, and the aftermath of the Treaty
of 1868 - all of which would change the world of Navajos.
(57 minutes)