May 20, 2013
Last month Examiner journalist Beth Pratt visited
Peter's home in Marin County. She writes, "Yes, his
namesake animal does wander into Peter Coyote’s
backyard, along with a diverse array of critters
including skunks, gray foxes, raccoons, and birds
galore." For being a good neighbor to wild creatures,
he's added one more achievement to his list of
impressive accomplishments: an official National
Wildlife Federation Certified Wildlife Habitat®. The
program recognizes people making a difference for
wildlife by creating wildlife friendly-spaces at their
homes, businesses or in their communities. The article
His wild menagerie (complemented
with two personable cats, Jackson and Pearl) attests
to his lifelong affinity for nature. “I’ve always
been fascinated by animals and have felt a kinship.
By the time I was eight years old I realized that
everything in the world was alive and connected, and
had its own business—and you didn’t interrupt it
without consequences.”
A resident of Marin County in Northern California
since the 1970’s, Coyote has witnessed some of the
negative consequences of our actions on the natural
world and considers his efforts for wildlife as
simply being a good neighbor. “Habitat for wildlife
is continually shrinking—I can at least provide a
way station.”
After spending an afternoon with Peter at his home
(nicknamed ‘The Tree House’) it’s obvious that he
“walks the talk” of being a caretaker for wild
things. The words of his friend Gary Snyder perhaps
best describes his philosophy: “Nature is not a
place to visit. It is home.”
Indeed, the natural world and his official dwelling
seem indistinguishable, an extension of each other.
From the road a series of winding staircases
suspended among the redwood trees overlook ferns and
other lush foliage in the creek bed below. Inside
the home, you feel as if you were in the comforting
embrace of a giant tree trunk. Peter describes the
intent of the design: “my house and my garden are
built as part of nature, not over it.”
The animals have definitely noticed the welcome mat
he has extended. The garden is simply the native
landscape enhanced and retains the memory of days
when Roosevelt elk and grizzly bears freely roamed
the area. Native wildlife—albeit smaller than the
historical mega-fauna—still flock to his
mini-backyard nature reserve. Peter also supplements
the native plants with bird feeders. The well
stocked stash of sunflower seeds entice the titmice
and juncos to visit, while goldfinches feed on his
offerings of gourmet thistle. While we ate lunch on
his deck, a Nutall’s woodpecker eyed the suet.

Small mammals also make frequent appearances. He’s
witnessed raccoon and skunk families on parade in
his yard (sometimes at the same time), and one
raccoon, named Monica, has raised her young in his
garden for four years. A gray fox has become a
regular resident—he once watched her, along with her
three kits, drink from a clay water bowl on his
May 10, 2013
 This week Peter was in Vevey, Switzerland, participating
in a film called "La rançon de la gloire",
directed by Xavier Beauvois. It's the story of two small-time criminals who
plan to steal the coffin of Charlie Chaplin. The film is
co-produced by Rita Productions in Geneva. Shooting, which will wrap up by
May 15th, will take place almost entirely in the Eastern
Vaud. In the above photo, Peter poses with municipal
Elina Leimgruber and culture delegate Stefano Stoll on
the terrace of the Three Crowns Hotel in Vevey.
you missed HBO's HEMINGWAY & GELLHORN last year,
it is now available on DVD. The film, directed by Philip
Kaufman, recounts the passionate and troubled marriage
of literary master Ernest Hemingway (Clive Owen) and the
up-and-coming war correspondent Martha Gellhorn (Nicole
Kidman), the second of Hemingway's four wives. Their
tumultuous relationship began when they met at a local
Key West bar in 1936. They married in 1940 after
romancing in Europe while Hemingway wrote his famous
novel "For Whom The Bell Tolls" for which she was the
inspiration. The film follows their epic romance through
seven countries - from the Spanish Civil War and beyond.
As she grew in reputation and stature, the spirited
Gellhorn stood toe-to-toe with Hemingway, putting his
famous bravado and iconic style to the test. Peter has
the role of literary editor Maxwell Perkins.
April 5, 2013
mentioned in the last update, Peter was feted in
absentia at the American Film Festival. He received the
"Making a Difference, One Film at a Time" award for his
contributions to documentary film. Festival director
Teddy Grouya said, "Peter, of course, thought it was a
unique award and was extremely flattered, especially
that we are acknowledging him specifically within this
genre. In this genre, Peter Coyote tops them all!"
Check out this link to see a video of Peter
accepting the award.