The Official Peter Coyote Web Site

Coymoon Creations


August 14, 2016

The Emmy Award-winning series, BAY AREA REVELATIONS, which premiered in 2015, returned this year on August 5 on NBC Bay Area/KNTV. Narrated by Peter, the hour-long documentary called "Olympians" features interviews and personal stories from some of the Bay Area’s greatest Olympic athletes including U.S. figure skater and Olympic gold medalist Kristi Yamaguchi, U.S. swimmer and eleven-time Olympic medalist Matt Biondi, U.S. freestyle skier and Olympic gold medalist Jonny Moseley, U.S. figure skater and Olympic gold medalist Brian Boitano, Olympian and multiple Hall-of-Famer U.S. water polo player Jim Gaughran, and U.S. swimmer and three-time Olympic gold medalist Nathan Adrian.

June 24, 2016

As a Buddhist, Peter enjoys sharing his wisdom and views on world events, such as the Orlando shooting, so he has written an article for the Lion's Roar magazine called, "Buddhism, Orlando and the Question of Good and Evil." You can read it here.

June 15, 2016

Peter continues to share his well-recognized voice through his narrations on various topics.  On May 28th he was featured as a guest at Voicetrax San Francisco's "Inside the Voice Actor's Studio" in which he presented his insights and expertise in the field of voice-overs. Presently a 117-minute documentary is being featured around the country called "Paying the Price for Peace" narrated by Peter. It is about Air Force Vietnam veteran s. Brian Wilson, who lost both legs protesting against arm shipments to Central America in 1987. The film premiered in Hanoi, Vietnam about a month ago and is making its way through the film festival circuit and is also being shown in Unitarian Universalist churches and Veterans for Peace Centers around the country. Some of the people interviewed include Alice Walker, Martin Sheen, Phil Donahue and Daniel Ellsberg.

Another war-related documentary narrated by Peter is "Sands of War". Using both current and rare archival footage, the film recounts the creation and role of the Desert Training Center against the backdrop of WWII. Told through the personal experiences of veterans, the program provides a compelling account of the young men and woman thrust onto the heaving stage of world conflict. One million soldiers prepared for war at the Desert Training Center in the Mojave Desert. Major General George S. Patton, Jr. said in 1942, "We cannot train troops to fight in the desert of North Africa by training in the swamps of Georgia."

If you've ever trekked to the top of Mount Tamalpais, then you know it's one of the most majestic spots in the entire Bay Area with killer views to boot. But what you may not know, is that the summit is also home to an old Air Force station in dire need of repair. Local filmmaker Gary Yost tackled the much-needed restoration of Mt. Tam's western peak in a series of three short films, which debuted to a sold-out house at the Throckmorton Theater in Mill Valley last month. Through the use of historical footage, 3D reconstruction, interviews and breathtaking time lapse cinematography, the 20-minute films, narrated and co-written by Coyote, explore the history of Tam's West Peak and how local citizens have been fighting to restore their mountain to a natural state.

Amie Windsor of Somoma West reported on the Sebastopol Community Center benefit held on Sunday, May 22 at the French Garden Restaurant and Bistro. The event featured Coyote with his second book, "The Rainman’s Cure Third Cure: An Irregular Education" and KQED's senior editor Scott Shafer as well as a silent auction, dinner and champagne reception, Ms. Windsor writes, "When a Zen Buddhist priest kicks off an interview confessing he’d like to pick his heroin habit back up, should he live to the age of 90 — you know it’s going to be an entertaining evening." Coyote’s conversation flitted on many of the book’s topics, hovering heavily on his involvement with the Diggers.

On June 12th Peter joined best-selling author David Talbot at San Francisco's Jewish Museum in conjunction with the exhibition "Bill Graham and the Rock & Roll Revolution." The two authors reminisced about the Summer of Love and San Francisco. The event was followed by book sales and signing.

Coyote recommendation: In the wake of yet another terrorist attack, a former CIA counterterrorism agent has shared her insight into what causes such tragic, intentional carnage. Amaryllis Fox spoke for the first time publicly with Al Jazeera Plus (AJ+) about terrorism, misguided narratives on why it happens, and the underlying motivators driving it — ultimately urging Americans and those in power to adopt a different approach in comabating the ongoing violence. For more information, click here.