The Official Peter Coyote Web Site

Coymoon Creations


November 13, 2016

There are two additions today regarding the Presidential election. First is a link to a article by Andrew Bacevich called "All right we are two nations". The second is an essay by Coyote called "Overlooked Draft Boards for Trump Voters".

October 28, 2016

Peter has joined the cast of the television drama THE DISAPPEARANCE from NBC Universal International Studios and Canada's CTV. The Canadian six-part mystery series, developed by CTV and produced by Productions Casablanca, portrays the sudden disappearance of Anthony Sullivan on his 10th birthday with the police and the Sullivan family conducting their own investigations. Filming is is in Montreal with Peter Stebbings directing. The cast also includes Joanne Kelly Camille Sullivan, Micheline Lanctot, Kevin Parent and Aden Young. Peter will take on the role of  Henry Sullivan, a retired judge and prosecutor. The series is set to debut on Canada's CTV in 2017.

PBS will air the newest Ken Burns documentary series called THE VIETNAM WAR in September 2017. Once again, it will be narrated by Peter. The ten-part 18-hour series, directed by Burns and Lynn Novick, tells the epic story of the Vietnam War as it has never before been told on film. It features testimony from nearly 100 witnesses, including many Americans who fought in the war and others who opposed it, as well as Vietnamese combatants and civilians from both the winning and losing sides.

Six years in the making, the series brings the war and the chaotic epoch it encompassed viscerally to life. Written by Geoffrey C. Ward, produced by Sarah Botstein, Novick and Burns, it includes rarely seen, digitally re-mastered archival footage from sources around the globe, photographs taken by some of the most celebrated photojournalists of the 20th Century, historic television broadcasts, evocative home movies, revelatory audio recordings from inside the Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon administrations and more than 100 iconic musical  recordings by many of the greatest artists of the era.

October 8, 2016

On October 16 at 2 pm, the Melanthium Ensemble will perform a concert at the Throckmorton Theatre in Mill Valley, CA. This is the second collaboration between Melanthium and Peter and will feature all-original music set to Peter's poems, along with the premier of several new pieces. The Melanthium Ensemble is a group of five accomplished veterans of the Bay Area music scene. Led by Lew Richmond, its composer and pianist, the Ensemble plays an all-original repertoire of Lew’s compositions, an eclectic blend that includes elements of contemporary classical, jazz, and blues styles.

September 26, 2016

On October 2 Peter will speak in the Carole L. Ellis Auditorium on the Santa Rosa Junior College Petaluma Campus on Oct. 2. His engagement will support the Literacyworks Center. Peter will be keynote speaker at an event that will include a reception and student and community speakers discussing the importance of literacy and lifelong learning. General admission to the event from 3-5 p.m. is $100; $50 for seniors and $25 for students.

Also narrated by Peter is a documentary called "A Daring Journey: From Immigration to Education". The film details the challenges and risks four individuals - Luis B., Sergio Garcia, Janet Robles and Ruben Robles, Sr. - are willing to take as they cross the border from Mexico to the United States in search of the "American Dream." The documentary shows the human element to the often-debated and polarizing issue of immigration. Using interviews, re-enactments and archival footage, it offers a first-hand account of the struggles each of the four illegal immigrants face as they try to earn a living, seek a higher education for themselves and their children, and attempt to achieve a better way of life.

The International Association of Sufism will honor Peter at their Annual Inspiration Dinner on October 7th. IAS’s Annual Dinner honors an individual whose life and work offers a model of engaged creativity and positive contributions to the community and culture. The event will be held from 7-10 pm at the Embassy Suites in San Rafael, CA. Speakers will include Emcee Jan Wahl, Bay Area film critic for KRON-TV and KCBS-Radio and winner of two Emmy Awards, Tenshin Reb Anderson, teacher and past Abbot of the San Francisco Zen Center Center and author, Stewart Brand, author of The Whole Earth Catalog and winner of the National Book Award, and Jonathan Granoff, president, Global Security Institute, and attorney, author and international advocate.

Blast from the Past...  Here's an old photo I just discovered from the sixties showing Peter with Sandy Archer during his San Francisco Mime Troupe days.