Shunryu Suzuki (1905-1971) was a direct spiritual descendant of the
great thirteenth-century Zen Master, Dogen. This inspiring work ranks with the great Zen
classics, in a voice and language completely adapted to contemporary sensibilities.
Suzuki's words breathe with the joy and simplicity that make a liberated life possible. As
he reveals the actual practice of Zen as a discipline for daily life, one begins to
understand what Zen is really about.
The practice of Zen mind is beginner's mind. The innocence of the
first inquiry - what am I? - is needed throughout Zen practice. The mind of the beginner
is empty, free of the habits of the expert, ready to accept, to doubt, and open to all the
possibilities. It is the kind of mind that can see things as they are, which step by step
and in a flash can realize the original nature of everything . This practice of Zen mind
is found throughout the book. Directly or sometimes by inference, every section of the
book concerns the question of how to maintain this attitude through your meditation and in
your life. This is an ancient way of teaching, using the simplest language and the
situations of everyday life.
Peter Coyote "brings to this reading the skills of a gifted
actor and a deep personal commitment to the practice of Zen Buddhism." ... Audio Literature
"Coyote is clear and energetic." ...Listener's Guide to Audio Books
"It's is almost as if the words were originating from
within... beautiful in its utter simplicity." ... Vajradhatu
"Actor and fellow Zen practitioner Peter Coyote delivers it
with appropriate simplicity and inner calm...Zen Master Suzuki proves a most direct and
humble guide in his compassionate emphasis on simplicity, ordinary life, and
self-understanding - qualities that Coyote captures in his gentle, assuring voice. For
almost 20 years Suzuki's book has been as essential introduction to Zen; now this
excellent audio tape makes the practice of Zen more understandable and available to us
all. Highly recommended to all libraries." ... Choice
"Suzuki makes spiritual goals seem attainable, and you never
feel that beliefs are being forced on you. The writing is simple, powerful and
inspiring... Peter Coyote's reading is well-paced and mellifluous; he establishes an
appealing rhythm and makes listening to the tape a contemplative experience itself.
Suzuki's ideas are subtle but powerful, easy to understand but containing several levels
of meaning, so this tape can be listened to many times." ... Publishers Weekly
"Will leave the reader with a new confidence that the world
is its own magic and that Buddha is within you." ... Denver Post
"If Kerouac had this book, he could have saved himself a lot
of wandering. This book has been a classic from the moment it was first published. ... Big Radio Audio Books
About the author:
Already a deeply respected Zen master in Japan, Suzuki-roshi came to America in 1958,
intending only a short visit. But he was so impressed by the quality of "beginner's
mind" and the seriousness he found among Americans interested in Zen that he finally
became a permanent resident, making his home in San Francisco. Through people wanting to
join him in his practice, the meditation group called Zen Center came into being and,
under his abbotship, grew to three major locations including Zen Mountain Center, the
first Zen training monastery outside Asia. He was undoubtedly one of the most influential
Zen teachers of his time. He died at Zen Center in December 1971, a year after this first
book was published.
Original 1992 release:
