Coyote Quotes: a page devoted to some of Peter's quotes through the years on various topics such as acting, politics, sex, the media, women. It enables the reader to get a quick overview of his personality.

Emmy Award 1992: Read the fascinating story on how Peter discovered he had won an Emmy back in 1992.

Emmy Award 2015: Check out the photo album from the September 12, 2015 awards ceremony.

Recommended Books:
Harvest of Rage by Joel Dyer
Death Blossoms by Muma Abu-Jamal
On A Move: The Story of Mumia Abu-Jamal by Terry Bisson
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse by Peter Matthiessen
Like It Was by James Koller

Music: For information on his music background.

IQ Test: You say you're a Coyote fan. Okay, here are ten questions to challenge you. 

Photoplay:  Nine quizzes to test your knowledge on recognizing movie scenes (including TV films). Warning - they can be difficult.

In Memory of Judi Banevicius, President of the Peter Coyote Fan Club


Don Yeoman, Canadian Haida Native totem carver:
Video created by his son Kyran.

The Vimala Sangha:
Web site of friend and Zen teacher Lew Richmond, who leads The Vimala Sangha, a group of practitioners of the Buddha Dharma based in Mill Valley, California.

Tom Rush Home Page:
Great musician friend whose music includes healthy doses of both folk and blues influences. His knack for finding wonderful songs, writing his own and championing
emerging artists has made him a legend.

Glenn Welker Web Site:
Featuring coyote stories and poems as well as several links to other coyote-related sites.
Peter's sister, Elizabeth West, has a web site on educational teaching materials and antique postcards.

Elsa Marley Web Site:
Elsa was a Digger friend of Peter's back in the '60s. Peter refers to her as "an astounding artist" so check out her beautiful artwork done mostly on Chinese scrolls. Her 1% Free painting on her home page, reproduced in time, is exactly as she made it and was a gift to Peter.

Our Night Kitchen - a web site featuring a community of San Francisco artists.

The Grateful Dead Official Home Page: - a terrific place to visit to find everything you wanted to know about the famous band.

Terry Bisson Home Page:
Author of five novels, numerous short stories and non-fiction articles, Terry's friendship with Coyote goes back to their college days on the Grinnell campus. He helped in the first major editing of Sleeping Where I Fall. Be sure to read his article on Mumia Abu-Jamal, an African-American journalist now serving time on death row for a crime many believe he did not commit.

San Francisco Diggers Web Site - for a complete history of the Diggers, a radical group of the Haight-Ashbury era.

John Byrne Cooke - son of British born writer and TV host Alistair Cooke, John is multi-talented in his career as a writer, photographer, videographer, musician and actor. His web site features a gallery of photos entitled "Rock 'n' Folk: Musicians of the 60s."

Wild Sanctuary - an internationally renowned resource for natural sounds collected from rare habitats around the world.

Tomas Arana - Official site of close friend Tomas Arana, whose filmography includes over 35 films, such as Gladiator, LA Confidential and The Bodyguard. Peter and Tomas appeared together in the 1996 TV movie, Seduced by Madness.

Lewis Richmond - Author, workshop leader, software business owner, musician
and composer, and Buddhist teacher. - follow this link for more information on this environmentally-friendly community.

Rosie Carter - Born in Boston in 1968, this self-taught artist lives in Cortez, Colorado. Her art is inspired by the entwining of person and place, landscape and outlook, existence and invention. Coyote calls her dimensional paintings evocative, childlike, haunted and playful. - "Here on the Edge" is the long-awaited story of how a small group of World War II conscientious objectors on the Oregon Coast plowed the ground for a generation of social and cultural revolution. Twenty years in the making and packed with original research and more than eighty photographs, this definitive history of the Fine Arts Group at Waldport is available from Oregon State University Press.


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