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button_box.gif (205 bytes)BIOGRAPHIES:

Sleeping Where I Fall - a memoir of the sixties, published April 15, 1998 by Counterpoint Press.

The Rainman's Third Cure: An Irregular Education - a second memoir, published April 14, 2015 by Counterpoint Press.

Free-Fall Chronicles - six unedited stories written as Peter's Free-Fall Chronicles, some becoming part of his book Sleeping Where I Fall

button_box.gif (205 bytes)SCRIPTS:

Crimes of Opportunity (with Sylvia Peto) - The story about the relationship between a convict named Eddie Malick with literary aspirations and local television personality Anne Hamilton.

Heaven Before I Die - A rite-of-passage story about a young trumpet player in New Orleans at Black Mardi Gras (St. Joseph's Day.)

On the Eighth Day - (with Silvia Peto) - A comedy from Silvia's original idea, about a left-wing, anarchistic night-watchman at a very right wing sperm bank whose perverse revenge on right-wingers goes bizarrely awry when his daughter falls in love with what might be one of them.

Harvest of Rage (with Joel Dyer) - A story of a New York newspaper editor who resigns because he's forced to kill a story, and buys a small-town newspaper in Idaho hoping to do nothing but "write about jam" for the rest of his life. He is soon deeply entangled in a plot where a major agri-business company is buying up land for mysterious reasons, and right-wing militias are trying to take over the local judiciary.

Eat My Lips - The comedic story of a drugged out, overweight, Hollywood idol who decides to rescue his career by doing a "people's" movie. In Detroit, researching out-of-work auto-workers, he spies his "double" and arranges to "change lives" with him for three months. Of course the working class guy is a good-worker, on time, production problems etc. disappear. When he's 'found out', the star's lawyer conspires to make the switch permament. Unfortunately, the auto-worker's Achille's heel is his jealousy over his wife which the star plays on to reinstate himself. The grass is not always greener, and both return to their "reality", changed by the experience.

The Baritones (Several steps below Soprano) - A comedy about rival low-rent Mafia families banished to France for being such terminal pains in the butt. The daughter of one marries the half-wit son of the other after she's impregnated by him and in a spat on the honeymoon kills him. In order to get back home they have to find a double to carry his passport through customs so the father won't find out. They find a hapless American boy who wants to be a French chef. Of course, he falls in love with the beautiful younger daughter of the murdering older sister who is passionate about Arab cooking. It gets more and more complicated, but all the knots eventually get untied.

The Friday Night Bank Robber (with Joe Slobodzian) -  The true story of the Nation's most succesful bank robber, a Philadelphia man with three Phd's who robbed more banks than John Dillinger, Bonnie and Clyde, and WIllie Sutton combined. Tracked and finally caught by an equally brilliant FBI man who became his friend and turned him to make anti-bank-robbery videos for the FBI, it is co-written with the Philadelphia Enquirer reporter who broke the story.

Sleeping Where I Fall - Based on Coyote's book by the same name, it is slightly fictionalized tale of the radical anarchist edge of the 1960's with its high-ideals and low behaviors, comic pratfalls,and deadly mistakes.

5150 - A TV Pilot originally sold to CBS-TV about a team of emergency psychiatric social workers. A 5150 is a 48-hour hold that a psychiatrist, judge or policeman can slap on someone for behavior that suggests they are a threat to self or others. The "team" of works are all people with problems of their own -ex-junkies, vets, nurses, people who've turned their lives around to make a difference. They go out into a major city and confront the rich and the poor, the truly crazy and the fakers.

Live Feed (with Silvia Peto) - A story about a CNN type roving video unit and their relationships with the home station and their producer. Pulling stories from the headlines, and weaving a conspiracy theory through its on-going episodes, it features a "team' of a videographer, on-air reporter, driver and sound-man as they rove the streets, and halls of justice in pursuit of "the truth" as they see it...and are allowed, or not allowed to report it.

Pale, Thumper and Bump - A young white man, in repentance for an overdose that killed his pregnant, African-American wife, volunteers at an all-black, Harlem high school, trying to 'give back' what his foolishness has taken from him. He meets Thumper, a brilliant young hip-hop artist he champions, and Bump, the local crack king-pin. In the ensuing struggle for Thumper's soul, we learn the value of stepping up.

button_box.gif (205 bytes)BOOK CONTRIBUTIONS, ARTICLES & SPEECHES:

Essay by Coyote on Presidential Election - Overlooked Draft Boards for Trump Voters - November 2016

Essay by Coyote - "Democrats Need to Clean Up Their Own House" - November 2016

Foreword to "Hidden Alactraz: The Fortress Revealed" edited by photographer Steve Fritz and Deborah Roundtree - April 2011

Vanity Fair magazine - October 2009 article called "The Murders at al-Sukariya"

San Francisco Chronicle article on Cuban cigars - February 2009.

Open Letter to Lead Actors (SAG) - July 2008

San Francisco Chronicle article on May 20, 2007 called "Summer of Love: 40 Years Later"

Commencement speech - University of Minnesota on May 8, 2004 - "Midstream"

Foreward to New Buffalo: Journals from a Taos Commune by Arthur Kopecky. Published by New Mexico Press in February 2004.

San Franciso Chronicle article on 2/1/04 called "When supporting only one presidential candidate just isn't enough."

High Times magazine, "Outlaw Politics" - January 2004 issue.

San Franciso Chronicle article on 4/27/03 called "Celebrity Nation - Why do we dismiss the opinions of stars when we hang on their every move?"

West Coast Writers Approach Ground Zero - An anthology edited by Seattle poet and writer Jeff Meyers. Published by Hawthorne Books in July 2002.
The events of September 11, 2001, their myriad repercussions, and varied and often contradictory responses to them have inspired this collection of West Coast writers’ responses to the terrorist acts. Among the many contributors besides Coyote are: Alice Walker, Ken Kesey, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Wanda Coleman and Jess Mowry.

Opening speech at the two-day symposium at the CCAC (California College of Arts & Crafts) Wattis Institute on February 8, 2002.   The topic was "Generority Projects: Strategies for Exchange in Contemporary Art."

She's a Bad Motorcycle: Writers on Riding, edited by Geno Zanetti and published by Thunder's Mouth Press in January 2002.
A collection of short stories on riding, travelling narratives, the zen and even romance of motorcyles. Featured writers include Tom Wolfe, Hunter S. Thompson, Che Guevera, and Peter, who recalls time shared with the Hell's Angels in San Francisco in the late 60's (reprinted from his memoir, "Sleeping Where I Fall").

The Whole World's Watching: Peace and Social Justice Movements of the 1960's and 1970's by Bob Fitch, Robert Hsiang, Leon Litwack, Clayborne Carson and Peter Coyote. Published  in November 2001.

Pausing for Thought, an essay written in October 2001 about the war against terrorism.

Flags, a poem reflecting the aftermath of 9/11.

Essay in Imagine: What America Could Be in the 21st Century edited by Marianne Williamson, who posed this question to nearly 40 of her well-known contemporaries, inviting them to open their imaginations to all the possibilities that could exist. Published in November 2000.

Essay called "Tracking Bob Dylan in Outlaw Bible of American Poetry by Editors Alan Kaufman and S. A. Griffin. Published in October 1999

Keynote Address given to California's 1998 Governor's Conference on the Arts at the Hotel Inter-Continental in Los Angeles on December 7, 1998 .

Terra Nova: Nature & Culture magazine, Fall 1998. Published by The MIT Press.
Coyote contributes an essay called "Full Bloom" drawn from his memoir, Sleeping Where I Fall.

Book review on The Other Side of the Mountain by Thomas Merton, published in the San Francisco Chronicle on September 27, 1998.

Grinnell College Fall 1998 magazine:   In the Book Shelf section, "Roman Candle" (chapter 21) is featured from Sleeping Where I Fall.

Foreword to What Book!? - Buddha Poems from Beat to Hiphop edited by Gary Gach. Published in June 1998.
This book is a major, active anthology of modern, mindful poetry, featuring over 330 selections from over 125 authors including Allen Ginsberg, Robert Duncan, Jane Hirschfield, Yoko Ono, Thomas Merton, Gary Snyder and Peter Coyote.

Hey Lew edited by Magda Cregg. Published in 1998.
This book is a homage to Beat poet Lew Welch, friend of Kerouac, Ginsberg and Cassidy, to name a few. It's a collection of essays, poems, songs, photographs, drawings and memories from fifty of the people who loved him best. Besides Peter, other contributors are Gary Snyder, Michael McClure, Huey Lewis, Joanne Kyger, Robert Creeley and Margo Patterson Doss. This book can be ordered by sending $12 (postage included) to Clew Press, Box 964, Bolinas, CA 94924.

San Francisco magazine, March 1998 - "And the Walkin' Man Walks."

Grinnell Speech given at his Alma Mater on January 24, 1997.

The Mansion on the Hill: Dylan, Young, Geffen, Springsteen, and the Head-on Collision of Rock and Commerce by Fred Goodman.
Published in 1997. The Mansion on the Hill is a must-read for anyone interested in how a counter-cultural phenomenon with moral overtones became - in a mere thirty years - a multibillion-dollar business. Goodman, a former editor at Rolling Stone, traces the arc of this weird transformation by focusing principally on the stories of a handful of key artists and their managers. Coyote gives his views on the relationship between Bob Dylan and Albert Grossman.

Democratic National Convention Diary - August 1996
As a delegate to the DNC, Coyote sent daily dispatches to MoJoWire (Mother Jones) sharing his thoughts and observations. The unexpurgated version is now on this site.

Steelhead magazine - first issue, Summer '96: "Sweet William" chapter from Sleeping Where I Fall.

A Free Library in This City
Published in 1996. An illustrated history of San Francisco Public Library researched and written by Peter Booth Wiley. As a collaborative publishing enterprise, it united writers and illustrators in public celebration of the City's rich artistic heritage. The book includes specially commissioned essays on libraries by 25 of the Bay Area's leading writers including Peter Coyote, Michael McClure and Martin Cruz-Smith Its foreword is by Isabel Allende who served as its Literary Editor. Coyote's contribution is called "Time to be Savored not Saved."

The Pushcart Prize XVIII: 1993-1994: Best of the Small Presses / ZYZZYVA magazine (1992) - "Carla's Story,"

A Coyote Reader by William Bright, 1993 - "Muddy Prints on Mohair."

An article called "Tracking Bob Dylan".

Tricycle, The Buddhist  Review - "In the Mix." Published in 1992. Winter edition.

The Nissan Report, A Bold New Blueprint For Successful Innovation in American Business. Edited by Steve Barnett, 1992.
This book reveals how a world-class corporation met the challenge of reexamining the innovation process by assembling twenty-five top minds from a wide variety of fields outside of the manufacturing arena, for an in-depth exchange of ideas. Besides Coyote, participants included Peter Schwartz, Stewart Brand, Mary Catherine Bateson and Rusty Schweickart.

Gary Snyder, Dimensions of a Life edited by Jan Halper
Published April 1, 1991 by Sierra Club Books
A fantastic look at the life and works of Gary Snyder (a hero of Coyote's). Poet, essayist, mountaineer, anthropologist, Zen Buddhist, environmentalist and Pulitzer Prize Winner. This book is a compilation of photographs and writings by 65 friends and associates of Snyder's throughout his lifetime. Contributions by Peter Coyote, Ursula LeGuin, Anne Waldman, Allen Ginsberg, Jim Dodge and others have never been published before.

Introduction to Ringolevio, A Life Played for Keeps, a book by Emmett Grogan, Citadel Underground Edition, 1990.

Vogue Homme - Fall 1989 - an article called "The Soft Wars."

A Few Thoughts on Drugs, Bolivia and Transcendence 1989, an article which provided the notes for a talk Peter delivered at Harvard to students in the JFK School of Government.

Open Letter to the Presidential Candidates - 1988. Coyote expresses his concerns that the candidates are not discussing the issues that need to be addressed.

Strange Attraction - The Best of Ten Years of ZYZZYVA, edited by Howard Junker, published in 1985 by University of Nevada Press. Peter's essay, "Carla's Story" is featured.

The CoEvolution Quarterly, Journal for the Protection of All Beings. Issue no. 19, Fall 1978 - Article by Coyote called "The Blind Side of the Future."


button_box.gif (205 bytes)WRITTEN ABOUT COYOTE

Lion's Roar - December 2016 - IT! IT! IT!

Fandor Interview - April 2016

Grinnell College interview - October 2015

Greensboro News & Record interview - September 2015

Point Reyes Light, July 23, 2015 - Hello and Goodbye to Peter Coyote

Sonoma News, June 4, 2015 - The 'Irregular' Life of Peter Coyote

San Jose Mercury News, June 1, 2015 - Peter Coyote's complext life unveiled in "The Rainman's Third Cure

Beyond Chron, May 7, 2015 - Peter Coyote: Sixties’ Survivor With Memories Worth Sharing

Pacific Sun, April 23, 2015 - Interview

The Oregonian, April 15, 2015 - Interview

Marin Independent Journal - April 13, 2015 - Actor Peter Coyote’s second memoir honors the mentors who helped shape him

Mill Valley Herald, February 15, 2012 - Civics Lessons

Sun Magazine, June 2011 - Against the Grain

Buzzine, June 10, 2009 - Interview

Sweeping Zen, June 2008 - Interview

The Daily Dispatch, April 29, 2008 - Susie Nelson's Other Son

Yes! Weekly, April 22, 2008 - Art Beat Greensboro

Las Palmas Film Festival, March 2008  - Interviews

Heyoka Magazine, Fall 2007 - Interview by John LeKay

Erie-Times News, April 8, 2007 - Peter Coyote's maelstrom

Nob Hill Gazette, November 2006 - Not Running with the Pack

Village Voice, June 10, 2005 - Peter Coyote Talks About His Attraction to Lupine Characters

Off the Radar, September  5, 2003 - Interview by Thom Fowler

Rex Foundation Publications, August 2003 - "Radical Optimism" - interview with Peter

San Francisco Chronicle, June 30, 2003 - Article on Worldlink TV's "The Active Opposition" hosted by Peter. 

Liberation Newspaper (Paris, France), December 25, 2000 - "In search of the California anarchists with the noted actor" by Edward Waintrop.

Portland Mercury Newspaper, November 2, 2000 - "What's the Worst That Could Happen?" by Monica Drake.

Detour Magazine, April 2000 - "Voice Lessons" by Lael Loewenstein 

Poetry Flash, November/December 1999 issue. "Freewheeling the Details: A Conversation with Gary Snyder & Peter Coyote." 

Interview with Icons: Flashing on the Sixties by Lisa Law. Published in November 1999 by Lumen Books.

Orlando Weekly article, 2/9/99 - "Coyote Prowling" by Deborah Hochberg  

AudioFile magazine, October/November 1998 issue. Article called, "I Know that Voice." by Marty Crisp.

Jewish Bulletin of Northern California, January 1998 by Lori Eppstein.
"Peter Coyote - An Outsider with a Jewish Sense of Humor."

Salon Magazine (online) of 11/97 - "Coyote Dreams" by Cynthia Romanov.

Spirit Matters (online magazine) interview by Gaylynn Baker from May 1996 called "Conversation with Coyote."

NY Times article called "Where Screenwriters Can Get a Hearing." See "Crimes of Opportunity. Published March 1996.

Sixties Radicals, Then and Now: Candid Conversations with those who Shaped the Era written by Ron Chepesiuk. Published in 1995.
During a period spanning more than five years, Chepesiuk interviewed 18 of the best known activists of the '60s. Among those interviewed are Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin (done just before their deaths), Peter Coyote, former Weather Underground leader Bernadette Dohrn and black student protest leader Cleveland Sellers.

Amica Magazine (Italian) - February 1995 issue.  Article & photos.

Gala Magazine (French) -  August 31-September 6, 1995 issue. Interview & photos in their fashion section.

GQ magazine (UK edition), "Peter Coyote" - December 1994. Style Editor Peter Howarth gets a lead on Hollywood's wild dog.

High Times - "Finding a Pure Place to Stand" by Malcolm Mackinnon.
October 1994 issue.

Entertainment Weekly article called "Wildly Coyote." May 27, 1994.

MovieMaker magazine - interview in the April 1994 issue called "Peter and the Wolves."

Whole Earth Review article called "An Acting Lesson from Peter Coyote." Summer 1993.

GQ magazine, November 1992 - "Coyote in Chic Clothing." In collar-to-cuff Cerruti, a dapper actor turns in a very natural performance.

Premiere magazine (French edition), October 1992.

Bill Graham Presents: My Life Inside Rock and Out by Bill Graham and Robert Greenfield. Published in 1992.

Coyote Interview with Etan Ben-Ami, January 12, 1989.

Two editions of TV Guide: US edition of Oct. 24-30, 1987 and Canadian edition of Oct. 31-Nov.6, 1987.  Both feature articles on Peter in his starring role as William Bradfield in the TV mini-series, "Echoes in the Darkness " based on Joseph Wambaugh's book.

City Magazine International, June 1987 - Peter Coyote on cover with inside article regarding several of his films with a special focus on A Man in Love.

Orlando Sentinel, 2/5/87 - newspaper article called, "Peter Coyote Surviving in the Hollywood Wilderness" by Bruce Cook of the Los Angeles Daily News.

San Francisco Focus, June 1986 - magazine article called "Peter Coyote: Howling at Hollywood" by Robert Hurwitt.

Starfix Magazine, April 1986 - French publication with interview.

Playboy magazine, November 1985 - "Edging Toward Stardom"

Disney Channel Magazine, October 1985 - Peter on the cover with an article called "Peter Coyote Soars to Stardom in The Blue Yonder."

Rolling Stone magazine, October 10, 1985 - "Lonesome Cowboy"

Films in Review, January 1984 - magazine interview in regard to Cross Creek.

The Haight-Ashbury: A History by Charles Perry, 1984.

The San Francisco Mime Troupe - The First Ten Years by R.G. Davis.
Published in 1975.

Buried Alive - The Biography of Janis Joplin by Myra Friedman, 1973.

Ringolevio, A Life Played for Keeps, by Emmett Grogan, 1972.

Voices from the Love Generation by Leonard Wolf, 1968.

We Are the People Our Parents Warned Us Against by Nicholas Von Hoffman. Published in 1968.


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