21st Century Jet: The Building of the 777 (1996) |

Abraham Lincoln: A New Birth of Freedom (1992) |

African Odyssey (1988) |

American Cinema: Part IV - The Studio System (1995) |

American Experience: Edison's Miracle of Light (1995) |

American Experience: Lost in the Grand Canyon (1999) |

Bossa Nova: Music & Reminiscences (1993) |

Cancelled Lives: Letters from the Inside (1991) |

Children and Nature: Awakening a Sense of Wonder (1997) |
Color of War, The (2001) |
Contrary Warriors (1986)
Cracking of Glen Canyon Dam, The (1982) |
Curse of the Somers, The: Billy Budd's Ghost Ship (1996) |
Downwind/Downstream (1988) |

Dreaming of Tibet |
Earth Rescue (2001)

Emperor of Hemp (1999) |
Empty Oceans, Empty Nets (2002)
Eye on the Earth (2002)
Fall from Freedom (1997)
Away Alaska (2008) |
Farming the Seas (2003)
First 100 Years, The: A Celebration of American Movies (1995)
Flashing on the Sixties (1991)
Founding Brothers (2002)
Founding Fathers (2000)
Four Corners, The: A National Sacrifice Area? (1983) |
Frontier: Legends of the Old Northwest (1998)
Frontier: The Decisive Battles (2000)
Grinnell Stories (1998)

Grizzlies Diary, The (1999) |
Guide to the Bodhisvattva's Way of Life, A (1999)

History of Sex, The (1999) |
Hollywood's Magical Island: Catalina (2003) |
Hoover Dam (1998)
Huicholes & Pesticide (1997)
In the Light of Reverence (2000)

In the Shadow of the Tiger (1999) |
It Was 20 Years Ago Today (1987)
John Denver: Let This Be A Voice (1998)

Kerouac (1985) |
Kontum Diary: The Journey Home (1998)
Landmines of the Heart (1999)
Living Edens, The: Denali, Alaska's Great Wilderness (1997)
Living Edens, The: Glacier Bay, Alaska's Wild Coast (2001)

Living Edens, The: Kakadu, Australia's Ancient Wonderland (1999) |
Living Land, The (2001) |
LPFM: The People's Voice (2001) |
Missing in Tibet (1997) |
Mother - Trailer for ECO (1997) |

National Geographic: Avalanche: The White Death (1999) |

National Geographic: The Battle for Midway (1999) |
National Geographic: Cyclone! (1995) |
National Geographic: The Grizzlies (1987) |
National Geographic: Secrets of the Wild Panda (1995) |

National Geographic: Storm of the Century (1998) |
National Geographic: Submarine I-52 (2000) |
National Geographic: Survivors of the Skeleton Coast (1993) |
National Geographic Explorer: Wildlife Wars USA (1991) |
Natural Connections (2001) |
Neighborhoods: The Hidden Cities of San Francisco: The Fillmore (1999) |
New Range Wars, The (1991) |
Ocean of Wisdom (1991) |
Orson Welles: What Went Wrong (1992) |
Out of the Blue (2003) |
Pacific Century, The (1992) |
Peyote Road, The (1993) |
Place in the Land, A (1998) |
Poison in the Rockies (1990) |
Quartzite's Fall: A Wilderness Tale (2000) |
Question of Power, A (1986) |
Renewable Power: Earth's Clean Energy Destiny (1998) |
Return of the Wolves (1989) |

Rome: Power and Glory (1999) |
Roots of Roe, The (1997) |
San Francisco: Birth of a City (1998) |
San Francisco in the '60s (1988) |
Secrets of 007, The: The James Bond Files (1997) |
Seth Eastman: Painting the Dakota (2001) |
Sex in the 20th Century (2001) |
Shaman of the Andes (2003) |
Shape of Life, The (2002) |

Shark Files, The: Sharks of the Atlantic (1999) |
Sixties, The: The Years That Shaped a Generation
(2005) |

Sled Dogs: An Alaskan Epic (1999) |
Stealing America: Vote by Vote (2008) |
Still Missing (1998) |
There's Something about W (2003) |
Third Mind, The (1997) |
Thousand Years of Ceremony, A: Florence Jones & the Struggle for Mt. Shasta (1997) |
Time/Life History of Rock and Roll (1994) |
Titanic: Breaking New Ground (1998) |
Together in Time (2001) |
Troupers (1985) |
Understanding Series for TLC (1998) |
Unprecendented: The 2000 Presidential Election (2002) |
Voices of the Land (1991) |
Voices of the Sierra Tarahumara (2001) |
Waldo Salt: A Screenwriter's Journey (1992) |
Water: Sacred and Profaned (1998) |
West, The (1996) |
When Buffalo Roam (1998) |
Wild California |
Wolf: An Ancient Spirit Returns (2003) |
World of American Indian Dance, The (2003) |